〒104-0033 東京都中央区新川1-3-21 BIZSMART茅場町304号室
事案 Case |
報酬額(税別) Fee(Japanese yen/tax excluded) |
在留資格認定証明書交付申請 Requesting a Certificate of Resident Eligibility |
¥80,000~ (「経営・管理」のみ ¥150,000) |
在留資格変更許可申請 Application for chane the status of residence |
¥80,000~ (「経営・管理」のみ ¥150,000) |
在留期間更新許可申請(※単純な更新) Application for renewal the period of stay (simple renewal) |
¥30,000~ |
在留期間更新許可申請(※転職など申請内容に変更がある場合や理由書の作成が必要な場合) Application for renewal the period of stay (complicated renewal inculding change of the contents) |
¥60,000~ |
再入国許可申請(みなし再入国を除く) Application for permission of re-entry (exculding a special permit re-entry permit system*) |
¥20,000~ |
短期滞在書類作成 Drawing up documents for a temporary visitor |
¥60,000~ |
永住許可申請 Application for permission of Permanent Resident |
¥100,000~ |
帰化申請 Application for permission of naturalization |
¥150,000~ |
就労資格証明書申請 Requesting a Certificate of Authorization for Employment |
¥30,000~ |
在留特別許可 Special Permission to Stay in Japan |
¥150,000~ |
仮放免手続 Procedure for provisional release |
¥150,000~ |
仮放免手続・在留特別許可 Procedure for provisional release and Special Permission to Stay in Japan |
¥200,000~ |
国際結婚手続サポート Support for marriage between a Japanese and a foreigner |
¥50,000~ |
相談料 Fee for consultation |
¥0 |
事案 Case |
印紙代(円) Fee for revenue stamps (Japanese yen) |
在留資格の更新・変更 Renewal the period of stay Chane the status of residence |
¥4,000 |
再入国許可(シングル) Permission of re-entry(single-) |
¥3,000 |
再入国許可(マルチ) Permission of re-entry(multi-) |
¥6,000 |
永住許可 Permission of Permanent Resident |
¥8,000 |