
日本行政書士連合会 登録番号:13080697号/東京入国管理局 届出済 申請取次行政書士 (東)行13第275号


〒104-0033 東京都中央区新川1-3-21 BIZSMART茅場町304号室


Procedures / ဗီဇာရဲ့လုပ်နည်:အစဥ

入国のためのお手続き/Entry procedures

Requesting a Certificate of Resident Eligibility(At the Immigration Bureau)


  If an applicant is outside Japan, the Person(s) concerned in Japan (such
as family member or an employer)goes to the Bureau to request a ‘Certificate
of Resident Eligibility’.
  As for the documents required for applying for official recognition ,the
General Information Centers On Residency for Foreigners at the Immigration
Bureau of each district distribute a brochure referred to as the ‘List
of Required Documents’.Application forms are available at these Information
Centers or from the website of the Ministry of Justice.

Visa application(At a Japanese Embassy)

Japanese Visa / ဂ်ပန္   入管から許可が出ると「認定証明書」という紙面が日本にいる関係者に郵送されます。これを外国人本人へ郵送して、本人が在外日本大使館へ持参して、認定証明書で示された査証の発給を受けます。

  Once a foreigner living abroad has been recognized as eligible by the
Bureau, the Certificate of Resident Eligibility is sent to the person concerned
in Japan.After that,the person concerned sends the certificate to the applicant
abroad,and the he/she takes it to the Japanese Embassy,where he/she is
granted a visa as specified in the certificate.
  When applying for the visa, the same documents may be requested as when
applying for resident eligibility.

Entry(At an airport)


  A foreigner is expected to enter Japan within three months of his/her
visa having been granted. Residence status is granted at entry.
  At Narita,Haneda,Chubu,and Kansai Airports, besides having a seal of
landing vertification stamped in their passports,mid- to long-term residents
will be issued a resident card.
  At other ports of entry/departure, a seal of landing verification will
be stamped in the passport and the following description will be made near
the stamp.In this case, a resident card will be issued after a mid- to
long-term resident follows the residency procedure at the municipal office
of the city/town/village.(Basically, a resident card will be mailed by
the Regional Immigration Office to the reported place of residence.

市区町村でのお手続き/Procedure at a municipal office



<Those who have come to Japan for the first time>
  Those who have received a resident and a port of entry/depature are asked
to visit the municipal office where they live with their resident card,
and notify the Ministry of Justice where they live within 14 days of finding
a place to settle down.

<Those who have moved into a new residence>
  A mid- to long-term resident who has changed his/her place of residence
is asked to bring his/her resident card to the municipal office of his/her
new residence and notify the Ministry of Justice of the new residence within
14 days of moving to the new residence.

在留期間の更新/Renewal of the period of stay


  If a foreigner’s status of residence is about to expire, but he/she
wishes to continue with the same activities as at present, he/she is required
to apply for renewal of his /her period of stay.He/she can apply at the
Bureau in charge of the region where he/she lives, or at a Branch Office.
  As for the documents required for applying for official recognition
,the General Information Centers On Residency for Foreigners at the Immigration
Bureau of each district distribute a brochure referred to as the ‘List
of Required Documents’.Application forms are available at these Information
Centers or from website of the Ministry of Justice.
  The Applicant can apply for renewal from about two months before the
period of his/her stay expires. Early application is recommended.  

在留資格の変更/Change of status of residence


  If your circumstances change in Japan (for example, if you get divorced
from a japanese national or change jobs),you must go through certain procedures
to change your status of residence
  As for the documents required for applying for official recognition
,the General Information Centers On Residency for Foreigners at the Immigration
Bureau of each district distribute a brochure referred to as the ‘List
of Required Documents’.Application forms are available at these Information
Centers or from the website of the Ministry of Justice.
